
Vision Statement

When the power of love replaces the love of power, the world will know peace.
William Ewart Gladstone made popular by Jimi Hendrix

Our core group is working with a diversity of local organizations to establish a multi-cultural education center in Ventura County, CA, to provide a place where people can come together to discuss ideas related to peace. This center will have a paid staff, and much of the education will focus on people displaced by US wars around the world (and domestically), particularly children. Among ourselves we are referring to this center as ‘Children without Borders’.

Where You Fit In

Handing out US Department of Peace cards is a way to get conversations about peace started, as well as to recruit new members. Our intention is to establish a mass movement to reclaim control of our own funds that are now going to the military, and to use those funds for social justice, not to wage war. We want everyone’s ideas about how to turn the US Department of Peace into such a movement. We are sure that all of you can come up with your own creative ways to promote peace and justice.


Mission Statement

Those of us living here in the United States have a responsibility to confront the truth about US foreign policy and how is has violently killed millions of people abroad while keeping millions at home living in poverty and fear. If we truly want to achieve world peace we must resist the US’s imperialism and racism that have shaped the war-based economy as we know it today.
With more than 60% of our tax dollars dedicated to the military, it is no wonder that the US socio economic state of affairs has been decimated over the past 60 years. We support Representative Barbara Lee’s US Peace Building Act of 2021, HB 1111 (hyperlink below), and encourage people to reach out to their representatives and urge them to pass it. When the bill passes, the Pentagon’s budget would be cut in half and peace dividend would fund programs to foster peace and address the socioeconomic injustices in the US. We will be part of the rainbow peace coalition, coming together with all organizations dedicated to world peace. We are stronger together.