Peace starts with individual action, and your actions will inspire others
Make Peace
More Equal
History of
US Department of Peace
In January 2016, after we had helped establish the Ojai Branch of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, we were given the booklet, “We Need a Department of Peace: Everyone’s Business, No One’s Job” by William Benzon. The essential message of the book was that after several attempts over the entire history of our country, the US Government had failed to establish a much-needed Department of Peace.
Objectives of
US Department of Peace
- To engage civil societies, government agencies & other stakeholders in social peace campaigns worldwide.
- To conduct community-based activities and peace dialogues.
- To provide a networking platform that bring awareness to tolerance and inclusivity.
- To attract local and international media coverage on peace building and conflict resolution.
- To promote interfaith, harmony, love, co-existence & tolerance to counterattack violence and extremism.
- To advocate human rights through a worldwide network.
- To develop international peace initiatives and social projects.
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
Delivering Lasting Impact
Mission Statement
Those of us living here in the United States have a responsibility to confront the truth about US foreign policy and how is has violently killed millions of people abroad while keeping millions at home living in poverty and fear. If we truly want to achieve world peace we must resist the US’s imperialism and racism that have shaped the war-based economy as we know it today.
Vision Statement
The world we are living is vulnerable to mania, social Injustice, religious intolerance and cultural ethnicity. The frantic rise of hate crimes, religious and social conflicts has paradigm the accelerating apprehensions causing disrupted Peace Prosperity. It is estimated that in the last century approximately 120 million people lost their lives due to wars, conflicts and Injustice. Only we can make a difference by advocating peace, enforcing social and peace reforms and procure peace Education.